Our Carbon Credits Programme

Our portfolio of carbon credits began with a $53.3m investment in high quality Clean Cookstove projects in ten of the world’s least developed countries. This channels investment to areas which are experiencing some of the most severe impacts of climate change, and which are in the greatest need of climate finance.

How carbon credits work

When a company, like an airline, emits one tonne of CO2 equivalent into the atmosphere, the airline can credit this emission by purchasing a carbon credit from projects, usually located in the developing world. Examples of these types of projects include nature based, such as tree planting or community based such as clean water or efficient cookstoves.


We have invested in projects that will yield high quality, globally accredited carbon credits that align with the UNSDGs. Carbon credits can play an important role in an airline’s decarbonisation strategy but only as an interim solution until new technologies come on stream.

For an airline starting on this journey, access to high quality, accredited carbon credits that are Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) compliant can be challenging due to widespread global demand which is forecast to reach 3 billion tonnes by 2035.

Carbon credits can be acquired from SMBC Aviation Capital by airlines either as part of a lease contract or independently. Our first carbon credits will be available at the end of 2023 but can be purchased by an airline in advance to ensure future supply. We will also work with airlines to ensure that the carbon credits fully align with their ESG strategy.


Burkina Faso carbon credit project

We have invested in an environmental cookstove project in Burkina Faso in West Africa. This project will result in energy efficient cookstoves being provided to 28,000 families in the region who will no longer need to rely on traditional cooking methods which are harmful to the environment and to their own health. The project aligns with several UNSDGs, and the carbon credits will be Gold Standard accredited.



C-Quest Capital Carbon Projects

C-Quest Capital projects deploy simple, clean and thermally efficient cookstoves to households to replace inefficient open-fire cooking in rural communities. The program provides cookstoves at no cost to households and recipients are trained on how to install, maintain and repair the stoves to ensure longevity of use and adoption. To maximise benefits to the households, CQC projects provide a two stove model to eliminate the need for a second open fire which is often used in parallel when cooking.


Contact us for information on our carbon credit programme.


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